There are no theories applied. Your essay doesn't make sense, you make sweeping, generalised statements that are not backed up by analysis of media text.
2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
Facial expressions – female models’ open mouths suggest lust, desire. Male model makes
eye-contact with audience.
Man as the hunted, looked-at object; objectification of men (Gill – female gaze).
Costume barely visible for female models – flesh on display. Heavily made-up faces constructed/Photoshopped image. Links to Kilbourne’s analysis of women in advertising.
3) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment?
4) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 1. What aspect of technical film language (camerawork, mise-en-scene etc.) or advertising persuasive techniques do you need to revise to improve your response to this kind of question in future?
I need to work on my emotional appeal as I have not really shown what the picture conveys emotionally and how it can appeal to an audience emotionally.
5) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 2. What aspects of the cultural and historical context for the Score hair cream advert do you need to revise or develop in future?
- Aggressively heterosexual representation perhaps shows male insecurity in light of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967.
- Anchorage text in the Score advert reflects male insecurities in a changing world – repeated references to ‘men’ and ‘masculine’ in design, production and use of the product suggests an acknowledgement that hair cream was seen as a more female product in the 1960s.
6) Now look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 20 mark essay question on David Gauntlett and masculinity 'in crisis'. Write a completely new paragraph for this question based on the suggested theories/answers in the mark scheme. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed paragraph focused on the question and offering examples/textual analysis from the Advertising CSPs.