Monday, February 24, 2020

Media Paper 1 PPE - Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

D, no feedback on my exam given

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A Level Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in this paper?

I did not meet my target grade as I was 1 below it. I need to achieve around 8 marks to meet my target grade for the exam section.

The grade boundaries for this paper:

A* = 78; A = 68; B = 56; C = 46; D = 36; E = 26.

Now read through the AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official specimen exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce. The original question paper is here if that is helpful too.

3) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

Q1: 5/8 
Had to mention:

Overall the use of media language is consistent with the codes and conventions of the media form (flier / electronic advertisement), Overall the use of media language is consistent with the codes and conventions of the media form (flier / electronic advertisement). The syntagm consists of visual and verbal signifiers (dominant signifiers potentially include the mouth, the artist’s name, words like LAUNCH)

Q2: 3/12
did not mention the unseen image:

the product uses conventional elements of both the form and
representation (layout, composition, indexical indicators of femininity
[lipstick, exposed flesh], the choice of typefaces) but without conviction.

all of the comfort usually provided by generic convention is denied: she
refuses to be framed, to be addressed. What we’re left with is her non-
European ethnicity / culture and a hint of something exposed in an
uncomfortable way with the album title almost scored into the flesh
the various texts are similarly unhelpful. 

The singer’s name is just out of kilter as is the title of the album which rather than anchoring a preferred reading merely extends the paradox / intrigue

boys write love songs too? In a music industry still dominated by specific
‘boys’ singing of their various loves for girls in general, this is another
double take, conventional only at first glance, the point at which we are
taken in

all in all, a text which represents an attitude that is both cultural and

political: the ‘voice of the Philippines’.

Q3: 4/9

• fantasy elements through special effects and transformations
• the road which the artist dances along, with its impossible lay out across
an imagined city suggests the yellow brick road of the Wizard of Oz
(Michael Jackson had previously appeared in a remake of the film – The
• the artist’s costume is an updated version of the clothes worn by Fred

Astaire – another graceful, male dancer

Q4 8/20

Butler’s ideas about gender include:
• sex and gender
• gender as performativity ('a stylised repetition of acts')
• gender as historical situation rather than natural fact

• subversion.

• this subversion of socially constructed norms calls into question the
relevance and stability of gender / sex as categories (the binary doesn’t
• the male and female characters are equally interested in the product –
the mascara
• the woman in the advert isn’t objectified or sexualised (because the

heteronormative element is absent)

A= A company owns different businesses in the same chain of
production and distribution

B=A company owns numerous companies involved in mass media

• creating videos and video edits related to their fan focus
• purchasing / accumulating / collecting merchandise / memorabilia
• engaging in ‘cosplay’ (roleplaying in costume)

• creating fan art

Q6 5/9
• it emphasizes the difficulties faced by British films produced outside of
the mainstream for niche audiences
• demonstrates the way independent film makers have to draw on all

available resources (personnel, funding, distribution)

Q7 10/20
• The Surgery also wants to address diverse audiences – by age, location,
ethnicity etc
• The Surgery wants to offer useful advice in an appropriate way to a
largely student audience: it wants to be cool and reliable!
• there are clearly other readings that can be made by this audience who
have this kind of information available in many different formats. Its
demise in 2017 might suggest that these ‘oppositional readings’ were

becoming ‘dominant’.

war of the worlds.
• though the primary purpose was undeniably to entertain, it could be that
those who decoded the program as factual were responding to an

intended meaning

4) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating how useful Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity is. Write a full essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 4-6 well-developed paragraphs planned in some detail.


Butler Statement is true that gender is a performance however it is more complex than we think.

Para 1 Score:
-Male domination
-Females sexualised
-"golden age"

Para 2 Maybelline:
-Gender fluidity= success
-Gender is learned
-Masculinity in crisis
-Non conventional

-Past enforces traditionals values
-present supports fluidity

5) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.

-The Surgery
-billie jean csp
-representation theory

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