Saturday, February 2, 2019

Introduction to Feminism

1) Why did Laura Bates start the Everyday Sexism project?

Laura Bates had started the Everyday Sexism project because she wanted the public and the population to be aware of the issues that Women face in the daily lives such as sexual harassment and rape. Also, she had started this project because she had experienced being sexually harassed 3 times in a week in public and she wants the public to be aware of it and she also wants people to speak about this crucial issue which needs to be stopped because innocent women are losing their lives for nothing.   

2) How does the Everyday Sexism project link to the concept of post-feminism? Is feminism still required in western societies?

The two concept link everyday sexism project and post feminism because they both have an aim to retaliate and stand up against sexual harassment and want to put a stop to sexual harassment.

3) Why was new technology essential to the success of the Everyday Sexism project?

New Technology was an essential part to the success of the Everyday Sexism project because the Everyday Sexism project was set up as a website online where women and men could share their stories to everyone and then other people could read them and make them aware of the issue and they could share their story and slowly more and more people would get involved which meant that more people knew about it and this meant that more voices could be heard so that the issue could slowly be resolved and less women would be dying and loosing their lives.

4) Will there be a point in the future when the Everyday Sexism project is not required? What is YOUR view on the future of feminism?
In my opinion, I think that there will be a point in the future where the Everyday Sexism project is not required because I think that, the public will realise that this is a serious issue and that eventually people will realise not to do it and also all women are equal and no one should be judged in a negative way and I think that this issue will be resolved.

1) This is the spreading of feminism through the use of the internet through hashtags and websites, a clear example being the website that the lady in the "Ted-ED Talk" created to share stories of sexual assault.

2)First wave: early 20th century, suffragette movement (right to vote).

Second wave: 1960s – 1990s, reproductive rights, abortion, equal pay.

Third wave: 1990s – present, empowerment, reclaiming of femininity (high heels, sexuality etc. See Angela McRobbie's work on women's magazines).

Fourth wave: 2010 – ongoing, use of new technology and digital media (social media) for activism.

3)Everyday Sexism

This organisation was started by an angered woman who was tired of being cat called and touched inappropriately. People told her that sexism was no longer a problem, although she experienced it first hand. It was because of thi, he tarted the "Everyday Sexism" campaign which started as a blog type of website where women could hare their experiences, and to Laura Bate' surprise,there were people who had experienced similar problems to what she had. This had gained attention through the website, as well as the well known twitter hashtag "Everyday Sexism" which has helped make the feed more personal and instant.


This programme mainly focuses on male support to achieve gender equality, it tries to highlight that feminism is about solidarity, rather than women being leaders. A question explored when asked if she had any tips for teenage girls whose parents believe they should be a stay at home mum, rather than have a successful career. To which Watson responded, "Why not have both?" Although, people have criticized this movement for being too reliant on males for a change, instead of promoting the strong female ideology that feminism it trying to represent a a whole.

FCKH8 Campaign

This campaign focuses on completely alternative representation, one of which spiraled from a YouTube video of a girl using foul language. This video was used a an outlet of emotions and opinions that society has an imbalance in term of offences. it was described as an oppositional paradigm of the young female. This campaign is for profits and in order to do so, there needs to be a product, in this case it is feminism based merchandising, such as t-shirt, which obviously appeal to feminists. Of course, this created a heavy backlash, although, it did create a heavy message of about the feminist movement in the 21st Century and how things should change, in terms of representation, etc.

This Girl Can
This campaign promotes fitness for women without the body shaming that comes with it, which is commonly on display in such a competitive and cutthroat industry. However, this campaign has been criticized heavily by other feminists on social media. Another online petition created by feminists is the petition to stop taxing tampons, a necessity for women, as a luxury item, meaning that they will have to pay more when in need for them

4)I agree with the idea that there is a 4th wave of feminism due to how people can be informed through social media influencer a well as online campaigns, such as some of the one mentioned in the question before this. These can help inform and educate the ignorant about feminism as well as provide a platform that some feminist activists may have been reluctant to use because of a lack of confidence for example.

1) Why did Laura Bates start the Everyday Sexism project?

Laura Bates had started the Everyday Sexism project because she wanted the public and the population to be aware on the issues that Women face in the daily lives such as sexual harassment and rape. Also, she had started this project because she had experienced being sexually harassed 3 times in a week in public and she wants the public to be aware of it and she also wants people to speak about this crucial issue which needs to be stopped because innocent women are loosing their lives for nothing.   

2) How does the Everyday Sexism project link to the concept of post-feminism? Is feminism still required in western societies?

The two concept link everyday sexism project and post feminism because they both have an aim to retaliate and stand up against sexual harassment and want to put a stop to sexual harassment.

3) Why was new technology essential to the success of the Everyday Sexism project?
New Technology was an essential part to the success of the Everyday Sexism project because the Everyday Sexism project was set up as a website online where women and men could share their stories to everyone and then other people could read them and make them aware of the issue and they could share their story and slowly more and more people would get involved which meant that more people knew about it and this meant that more voices could be heard so that the issue could slowly be resolved and less women would be dying and losing their lives.

4) Will there be a point in the future when the Everyday Sexism project is not required? What is YOUR view on the future of feminism?
In my opinion, I think that there will be a point in the future where the Everyday Sexism project is not required because I think that, the public will realise that this is a serious issue and that eventually people will realise not to do it and also all women are equal and no one should be judged in a negative way and I think that this issue will be resolved.

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