Sunday, October 6, 2019

teen vogue audience and representation

1) Analyse the Conde Nast media pack for Teen Vogue. What is the Teen Vogue mission statement and what does this tell us about the target audience and audience pleasures?
Their mission statement is to empower, enlighten and empower and this means that the audience pleasures include surveillance as it provides a political agenda and information that audiences would want to know. There could also be audience pleasure of personal relationships as it provides an inclusive environment and amplifying voices so audiences feel engaged.

2) What is the target audience for Teen Vogue? Use the media pack to pick out key aspects of the audience demographics. Also, consider the psycho graphic groups that would be attracted to Teen Vogue: make specific reference to the website design or certain articles to support your points regarding this.
The target audience is still interested in celebrity content and beauty – which Teen Vogue addresses by featuring the ‘opinion leaders’ (two-step flow) of social media. They tend to target young girl audiences like the generation z as it raises issues to do with 'pop feminism'. The psycho graphics would include middle class who are aspires as they have goals they want to achieve.

3) What audience pleasures or gratifications can be found in Teen Vogue? Do these differ from the gratifications of traditional print-based magazines?
There could also be audience pleasure of personal relationships as it provides an inclusive environment and amplifying voices so audiences feel engaged. This also provides surveillance about gender fluidity as it is a progressive magazine. This is also a 'woke' magazine as it raises awareness building this sense of personal identity so now you can identify yourself on the spectrum of today's society,

4) How is the audience positioned to respond to political news stories?
The audience is positioned to respond by giving their own voice and political agenda because it talks about issues that are very discreet in society. 
They are positioned to agree to the news and give their opinions about the topic where everyone can discuss it on the website and social media.

5) How does Teen Vogue encourage audiences to interact with the brand – and each other – on social media? 
The ‘tentpoles and editorial pillars’ section of the media pack may help with this question.
Teen Vogue encourages the audience to interact with the brand on social media by providing adverts and banners as it also had a June event that focused on activism. Another one focused on career called '@work' which means that there is online connectivity for audiences to engage with.


1) Look again at the Conde Nast media pack for Teen Vogue. What do the ‘tentpoles and editorial pillars’ (key events and features throughout the year) suggest about the representation of women and teenage girls on

Teen Vogue is mostly aimed at women where they offer different representations of women. There are female opinion leaders (two step flow model) that can help encourage that women can make an impact on society.

2) How are issues of gender identity and sexuality represented in Teen Vogue?

These issues are given a progressive approach in the magazine, as gender fluidity and multiculturalism are well known.
3) Do representations of appearance or beauty in Teen Vogue reinforce or challenge traditional stereotypes?

They challenge traditional stereotypes as influencers like Skai Jackson were a niche type of clothing but still embraces it.

4) What is the patriarchy and how does Teen Vogue challenge it? Does it succeed?

Patriarchy is the idea of where men take control and are more dominant in the society. Teen vogues challenges this because they try to empower women which challenges this idea of men being more powerful than women, 

5) Does Teen Vogue reinforce or challenge typical representations of celebrity?

Teen Vogue try to write articles on celebrities which centre around not only their appearances, but also their achievements and political views

Feature: how Teen Vogue represents the changing nature of media aimed at women

1) How was the Teen Vogue op-ed on Donald Trump received on social media?

It was received very well on social media as people respected and were surprised by the opinions and views teen vogue were giving.
2) How have newspapers and magazines generally categorised and targeted news by gender?

Politics and current affairs were something that were always targeted at men and topics like fashion and beauty have always been targeted at women. However, this has changed as they are now using politics to target women

3) How is this gender bias still present in the modern media landscape?

It is still present because some people dint like the idea of Teen Vogue speaking about political issues for example, Gaslighting America. People responded negative towards this and some were surprised. A man even said, "Go back to your acne treatments".

4) What impact did the alternative women’s website Jezebel have on the women’s magazine market?

It changed how magazines edit their print and digital media as this challenges traditional women stereotypes which meant that other magazines should be doing the same thing as well by subverting these stereotypes
5) Do you agree with the writer that female audiences can enjoy celebrity news and beauty tips alongside hard-hitting political coverage? Does this explain the recent success of Teen Vogue?

I agree with her statement as i believe that women should be able to participate in these serious, political discussions and i think they should be aware of what current affairs are happening around them etc. But this doesn't change the fact that they can read news about make up etc. Teen Vogue saw this gap in the market and decided to utilise it by targeting these people.

6) How does the writer suggest feminists used to be represented in the media?

She said that they were represented as people who were not interested in hard news 

7) What is the more modern representation of feminism? Do you agree that this makes feminism ‘stereotyped as fluffy’?

I believe that it doesn't make them fluffy. It just means that women want to discuss other topics that a traditional women wouldn't really talk about.

8) What contrasting audience pleasures for Teen Vogue are suggested by the writer in the article as a whole?

This magazine provides surveillance and personal relationships to be formed with this magazine, as it covers a variety of things.
9) The writer suggests that this change in representation and audience pleasures for media products aimed at women has emerged from the feminist-blog movement. How can this be linked to Clay Shirky’s ‘end of audience’ theory?

This can be connected to his hypothesis as he connotes that now in the public have more power than any other time in recent memory to change things.

10) Is Teen Vogue simply a product of the Trump presidency or will websites and magazines aimed at women continue to become more hard-hitting and serious in their offering to audiences?

I believed that websites and magazines aimed at women will continue to be hard-hitting and serious as now women do hold a position in the political spectrum than before.

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